Curacao licenses are among the worse, more shady gambling licenses. Lotus Asia casino licence: They have a Curacao gambling licence ( you can check the licence here). Despite being a registered member, and despite working with them for about 4-5 years, they simply stole from me, and stopped responding to any sort of contact ever since, just like form others. I don’t know exactly what happened for them to start stealing from partners and players (I assume money troubles), but they stole from me as well. There are plenty of 1/10, and 0/10 reviews out there, and many player testimonials. However, they also started stealing money from their players. I’ve witnessed the group change hands and expand from its humble beginnings, in operation for 8+ years (some casinos of the network have been around for 10+ years, 8 years is the average amount). Proof, screenshots are attached.Įven though I was a member of this group initially for more than 4 years (specifically the flagship website, the Black Lotus casino), I now have a really bad opinion about them. I have a detailed report about this scam, which you can read here, it’s in the review of their main casino, Black Lotus. About the casino: Lotus Asia Casino is part of the infamous Genesys Group, a scammer casino group that steals the money from their players and also steals from their affiliate partners as well.